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Dental Problems in Adults
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 Frequently Asked Questions

Q: How do I clean my teeth and they are not same in size. So please give me some solution to make them look better.

Prem (Mumbai, India)

A: You are advised to use a medium, adult toothbrush and fluoridated toothpaste to brush your teeth. Do visit your local dentist to know the right technique of tooth brushing. I advice you to visit an orthodontist and seek his advice for correcting the irregularity of your teeth.

Dr. Hemanshu Mehta

Q: What is a remedy for bad breath?

Sachi (Bhopal, India)

A: Bad breath (Halitosis) can be attributed to various factors: mouth, throat or GI tract (stomach). First, rule out the last two factors. Halitosis due to the mouth can be caused by: 1) Tartar or plaque. This can be cleaned by the dentist with an ultrasonic machine 2) An infected or decayed tooth. This can be treated by a dentist with the help of a filling 3) Gum disease like pyorrhoea. 4) If you haven't brushed your teeth after a meal, or if you haven't brushed your teeth in the morning, your breath will be bad. Brush your teeth regularly and carry some mint in your bag always. You can try mouthwashes and mouth fresheners.

Dr. Hemanshu Mehta

Q: My gums swell and bleed while brushing. Sometimes a little blood oozes out, even when there is no swelling. Are there any home remedies?

Nimita (Surat, India)

A: Gums generally bleed due to the presence of tartar between the teeth and gums. This tartar contains loads of bacteria, which leads to gum diseases like Pyorhhoea. Get your teeth cleaned by a dentist at the earliest. After a professional cleaning, brush your teeth twice a day – at night after dinner, and in the morning, preferably after breakfast. Also, daily flossing is a must.

Dr. Himanshu Mehta

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