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Female Infanticide

Female Infanticide

Will the problem of female infanticide ever be solved? Sadly, this is a major issue still faced by many policy makers and NGOs of our country.

In this article

Rural India

In rural areas where a lot of people do not have access to sex determination facilities, female infanticide is shockingly common. The parents wait until the mother gives birth, and when they find out that a daughter is born, they go ahead and kill the baby by adopting various means such as strangling the baby, giving her poison, dumping her in a garbage bin, drowning her, burying her alive, starving her, stuffing her mouth with salt, or leaving her outdoors overnight so she dies of exposure.
What is disturbing is that female infanticide is not considered a big crime and rarely do culprits get convicted. Once in while there is a harsh conviction of the parent followed by some publicity, and it isn't long before the news dies down. Surprisingly, mothers are the ones who often perpetrate the crime, with the support of other women in her network. Since the mother is the one who has given birth to the unwanted female, she is the one who must do away with it. She is forced to do so at times, and willingly does so at others since she herself desires a male child. How much the mother, another victim of atrocities, is really to blame though, is anybody's guess.
Where the daughter's life is spared, parents often neglect her and expect her to work around the house serving her brothers and father. Girls are rarely sent to school, and if they are, they are removed after a few years of education and put to work - perhaps sent to cities to work as maids in homes, and send back money earned by them. In all probability, they are treated far better at the homes they work in as maids than they are in their own homes - but instances of harsh ill-treatment and abuse of such girls are also just as common.

Urban India

Rural life is far removed from city life. Although we may have come across villagers who perhaps now work under us as office boys, peons, waiters in restaurants, drivers, cooks and household help, rarely do we ever try and bring about a change in their mindset. Sadly though, educated, urban and fairly wealthy people too often nurse a desire for a male child, and although they may not kill their daughter after she is born, they do try and find out the sex of their child, and abort female fetuses.
Although disclosing the gender of a foetus is illegal, there are numerous doctors that disclose the child's sex for an enhanced fee, and then offer to arrange for the abortion. Thus although there is a good law in place, its implementation is not as effective as it should be.
Although all of us take pride in our Indian culture, we need to recognize that there is something fundamentally wrong with a culture that assumes the superiority of males, and that celebrates Indian women for being meek, submissive and sacrificial. One way you can help counter this mindset is by being proud of the women in your life, and by taking pride in yourself if you are a woman.

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Kalpana Sarang
Kalpana Sarang.13 years ago
Govt. has to punish those parents very strictly... Nobody has rights to kill others. When a infant is born, it doesn't have any bad thoughts r it isn't causing any ill to others. It only belives the person whoever carrying or feeding her. How hard hearted ppl r dey. after seeing the innocent face, how they get guts to kill the infant. If they r not punished severly they will not stop doing this. God blessed me with a beautiful and intelligent baby girl as per my prayer, who is 10 months old now. There is no word to express the feeling I had when I saw her first in the Operation Theatre. I love her so much. I want to comfort her with everything and bring her like a princess.
.13 years ago
THE point that everyone is missing is that the other biggest female infant killing country is the ONE CHILD CHINA!!! They too want male childrena and fined for more than one child, So if you want a Boy kill the girl! One child limits do not stop INFANTICIDE!
How about making it worth it to give up the girl permanetly and legally. Make midwives who allow or do infanticide legally responsible.
sex selection abortions are unfortunate
But I am much more concerned about the ones that are murdered.
PLEASE Go read about one poor little girl who was murdered so gruesomely by her mother with Oreander sap !
Symptoms of oleander poisoning include diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, vision disturbances, blurred vision and low blood pressure. The nervous system is also affected, which can cause dizziness, disorientation, headaches and lethargy. In some cases the poison shows up on the skin in the form of hives and rashes. The most common symptom of oleander poisoning affects the heart. A disturbance in the heart rhythm, heart palpitations and and increased heart rate all have the potentials to cause cardiac arrest.
Join me in looking for a way to address these murders.
I am a grandmother, with my grandchild nearly grown. But I want to do something about this problem.
Layla.13 years ago
I am heart broken about these little girls that are brutally murdered and it can not be prettied up... It must be called what it is no matter the reason, It is cold blooded murder a heinous crime perpetrated on girls by WOMEN.
mala.14 years ago
thanks for this eye opening article. its really very sad that this still happens in the 21st century
With an opinion
With an opinion.14 years ago
thtat aarticle shoulad be an eye opener for a few people . firstly women , secondluy those affiliated to ngos such as the un. i wonder wheteher the human rights council has done any thing about this issue . if nothing has been done -it is high time!
i am not a feminist ...... but hoe great is the role of a woman in a society like india. while men may be concidered in traditional terms to have the - decision makers and bread winners , women are the ones who nurture and take care of the home .
to all men out there have a home /food on your plate , a warm soft voice to console your problems -in shot all the non- naterialistic comforts of life because of the women in your life...... your mothers who gave birth to you ...... your sisters who will love you despite you being the most ungreatful wretch on eart and your wives who have accepted you for a lifetime as their own .
im all cases of humen life , it is the woman who sacrifices and suffers so
please don#t make it worse!
Ganapathi Rao. S
Ganapathi Rao. S.14 years ago
the problem, we dont respect our own people. rich and affluent people disrespect poor and unfortunate citizens. hence all social evils rampant in our indian society. this finally reflects on women. dowry evils, rapes, eve teasing and disrespecting women have become routine. so, many poor and middle class people started to kill their own new born girl children by heineous methods. now, the society should change and our thinking should change, we have to build new society.
chhaya gupta
chhaya gupta.14 years ago
i am sorry to say that doctors are one of the main culprits in female infanticide.i bieng a doctor have seen it very closely in morena.most of the nursing homes are flourishing due to this business medical profession is considered a respectable job.but just for few rupees they are defaming the profession.if any steps are taken they hike their prices saying that mtp's are not allowed
janhavi.14 years ago
i think the practice of infanticide is absolutely disgusting and can be stopped. the only problem is that the people of india are too used to beraking the rules to abide by them. the law has to be made so strong that noone will have the guts to even think of breaking it.
Jimmy.14 years ago
if the level of people in india people's head is not change then this quesiton will never be solved
priya.14 years ago
help urself
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