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Week 34: Baby starts Blinking

Week 34: Baby starts Blinking

At 34 weeks pregnant, your general health will be fine but you need to keep up with your antenatal appointments. Read on to learn more about the bodily changes and baby’s development by the 34th week of pregnancy.

Have you been out in the sun a lot lately? If you have, it's time to put sunglasses on your stomach as your baby is probably blinking in the bright light and is also getting a healthy tan. Just joking.

On a more serious note, your baby has learnt to blink and as he or she can differentiate between light and dark, he or she can also see more clearly when there is a bright light on your stomach. He or she has probably made friends with all your internal organs by now and can identify your ribs from your intestine. Your baby’s skin has also taken on a pinkish tinge and he or she is certainly getting ready to be adored.

Baby’s Development at the 34th Week of Pregnancy

Well, your baby has developed a smooth skin by now and weighs around 5lbs and is around 171/2 inches in length. You must be feeling excited with all the movements happenings inside your womb. Your baby is now ready for delivery and is positioned head down. You can see him or her in a curled up position in the ultrasounds now. She will be kicking and wriggling all the more than before.

Your baby has also developed the hearing ability by this time. So, if you were waiting to talk to him or her for long, this is the time mommy! You can engage in conversations with your baby. This can be a wonderful way to familiarize yourself with your unborn child.

Her lungs have developed fully by now and he or she is capable of breathing independently. However, they shall be functional once he or she is born. His or her toenails and fingers have developed completely.

Your baby’s central nervous system is well developed now and there are good chances of her surviving outside your uterus as well. However, your health care provider shall want to carry up your pregnancy to the 40th week.

Body Changes at 34th Week of Pregnancy

Learn about the bodily changes that you may experience by the 34th week of your pregnancy.

Increased Size of Belly

You are also undergoing changes along with the development of your little one inside you. Your belly button may have come out by now. It might also appear very sensitive now. If you feel so, it is a good idea to use a belly band to cover up the area after consulting your doctor. This way you can protect yourself from the pokes by your clothes.

Aches and Pains

Make sure to attend the antenatal appointments with your doctor or midwife, due this week. You shall talk about all the pain relief options and must be happy with your birth plan. You must immediately contact him or her when your water breaks or when you begin to have contractions.

Swelling and Stiffness

You must bring to his or her notice any swelling of face, ankles or hands that you may experience. These are some common symptoms in pregnancy which you must bring to the notice of your doctor. Inform her about blurred visions or headaches that you may be experiencing. This too is a common symptom at this stage.

Anti-D Dose and Ultrasound

In case you have rhesus negative, you will get a second dose of your anti-D. Ultrasounds performed in this week shall help detect complications, if any such as baby's position, low lying placenta and your overall general health. The prenatal visits shall include routine blood pressure checks. Your healthcare provider may also suggest screening test of your vaginal swab to rule out chances of bacterial infection.

When You Should Contact Your Doctor?

In the following cases, you must call your doctor:

  • If you find sudden decrease in your foetal movement.
  • In case you notice sudden swelling of your face, persistent headaches, pain in abdomen and high blood pressure.
  • If your contractions get frequent and you feel a pressure on your pelvic zone. You must be concerned if you have diarrhoea, nausea or discharging watery substance.
  • Call the doctor if you feel a burning sensation while urinating or suspect a kidney infection.
  • Dry mouth or too much of thirst may also call for attention of your doctor.

Since you would not want to invite any trouble in the final hour, it is very important to keep your doctor informed about every new thing or discomfort you experience. Suggestions and necessary medications from him or her shall ensure a healthy and safe pregnancy for you.

What development takes place at 34th week of pregnancy? How to take care of health at 34th week of pregnancy? What routine tests are advised in 34th week of pregnancy? Discuss here.

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Lucy.12 years ago
Good information. I have gone through several books and sites but such a comprehensive information is not found anywhere. Week by week development of the baby is great for first time mothers.
Vandel.12 years ago
Will i be able to see my baby blinking in the ultrasound scan?
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